Inspired by the impressive performance of recent face image editing methods, several studies have been naturally proposed to extend these methods to the face video editing task. One of the main challenges here is temporal consistency among edited frames, which is still unresolved. To this end, we propose a novel face video editing framework based on diffusion autoencoders that can successfully extract the decomposed features - for the first time as a face video editing model - of identity and motion from a given video. This modeling allows us to edit the video by simply manipulating the temporally invariant feature to the desired direction for the consistency. Another unique strength of our model is that, since our model is based on diffusion models, it can satisfy both reconstruction and edit capabilities at the same time, and is robust to corner cases in wild face videos (e.g. occluded faces) unlike the existing GAN-based methods.
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Most scanning LiDAR sensors generate a sequence of point clouds in real-time. While conventional 3D object detectors use a set of unordered LiDAR points acquired over a fixed time interval, recent studies have revealed that substantial performance improvement can be achieved by exploiting the spatio-temporal context present in a sequence of LiDAR point sets. In this paper, we propose a novel 3D object detection architecture, which can encode LiDAR point cloud sequences acquired by multiple successive scans. The encoding process of the point cloud sequence is performed on two different time scales. We first design a short-term motion-aware voxel encoding that captures the short-term temporal changes of point clouds driven by the motion of objects in each voxel. We also propose long-term motion-guided bird's eye view (BEV) feature enhancement that adaptively aligns and aggregates the BEV feature maps obtained by the short-term voxel encoding by utilizing the dynamic motion context inferred from the sequence of the feature maps. The experiments conducted on the public nuScenes benchmark demonstrate that the proposed 3D object detector offers significant improvements in performance compared to the baseline methods and that it sets a state-of-the-art performance for certain 3D object detection categories. Code is available at
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机器学习方法最近已用于求解微分方程和动态系统。这些方法已发展为一个新型的研究领域,称为科学机器学习,其中深层神经网络和统计学习等技术应用于应用数学的经典问题。由于神经网络提供了近似能力,因此在求解各种偏微分方程(PDE)时,通过机器学习和优化方法通过机器学习和优化方法实现了明显的性能。在本文中,我们开发了一种新颖的数值算法,该算法结合了机器学习和人工智能来解决PDE。特别是,我们基于Legendre-Galerkin神经网络提出了一种无监督的机器学习算法,以找到与不同类型PDE的解决方案的准确近似值。提出的神经网络应用于一般的1D和2D PDE,以及具有边界层行为的奇异扰动PDE。
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我们提出了CPO,这是一种快速且强大的算法,该算法与可能包含更改的场景的3D点云相对于2D全景图。为了稳健地处理场景的变化,我们的方法偏离了传统的特征点匹配,并着重于全景图像提供的空间上下文。具体而言,我们建议使用得分图提出有效的颜色直方图生成和随后的鲁棒定位。通过利用球形投影的唯一模棱两可,我们提出了大量相机姿势的非常快的颜色直方图生成,而无需明确渲染所有候选姿势的图像。我们将全景云和点云的区域一致性作为2D/3D分数图,并使用它们来称量输入颜色值以进一步提高鲁棒性。加权颜色分布很快找到了良好的初始姿势,并实现了基于梯度的优化的稳定收敛。 CPO是轻量级的,在所有测试的场景中都能实现有效的本地化,尽管场景变化,重复性结构或无特征区域都显示出稳定的性能,这是带有透视摄像头视觉定位的典型挑战。
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在本文中,我们提出了一种基于相机和激光雷达传感器的3D对象检测和跟踪的新的联合对象检测和跟踪(Jodt)框架。所提出的方法称为3D Depectrack,使得检测器和跟踪器能够协作以产生相机和LIDAR数据的时空表示,然后执行3D对象检测和跟踪。检测器通过通过相机和激光乐融合获得的空间特征的加权时间聚集构建时空特征。然后,检测器使用从Roadklet的信息重新配置初始检测结果,从而保持到先前的时间步长。基于由探测器产生的时空特征,跟踪器使用图形神经网络(GNN)将检测到的对象与先前跟踪的对象相关联。我们通过基于规则的边缘修剪和关注的边缘门控的组合设计了一个完全连接的GNN,它利用空间和时间对象上下文来提高跟踪性能。在基准和NUSCENES基准上进行的实验表明,所提出的3D Depectrack在基线方法上的检测和跟踪性能方面实现了显着的改进,并通过检测器和跟踪器之间的协作实现现有方法的最新性能。
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在生成的对抗网络中,改进鉴别器是生成性能的关键组件之一。由于图像分类器偏向纹理和脱扎,提高了准确性,我们调查1)如果判别者被偏见,而且2)如果脱位鉴别者将提高发电表现。实际上,我们发现实证证据证明鉴别者对图像的风格(\ equeg。,纹理和颜色)敏感。作为一个补救措施,我们提出了功能统计混合正常化(FSMR),鼓励鉴别者的预测不变于输入图像的样式。具体地,我们在鉴别者的特征空间中生成原始的混合特征和参考图像,并且我们应用正则化,使得混合特征的预测与原始图像的预测一致。我们进行了广泛的实验,以证明我们的正则化导致对风格的敏感性降低,一致地提高了九个数据集上各种GAN架构的性能。此外,将FSMR添加到最近提出的基于增强的GaN方法进一步提高了图像质量。代码将在线公开提供研究界。
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Many recent works on understanding deep learning try to quantify how much individual data instances influence the optimization and generalization of a model, either by analyzing the behavior of the model during training or by measuring the performance gap of the model when the instance is removed from the dataset. Such approaches reveal characteristics and importance of individual instances, which may provide useful information in diagnosing and improving deep learning. However, most of the existing works on data valuation require actual training of a model, which often demands high-computational cost. In this paper, we provide a training-free data valuation score, called complexity-gap score, which is a data-centric score to quantify the influence of individual instances in generalization of two-layer overparameterized neural networks. The proposed score can quantify irregularity of the instances and measure how much each data instance contributes in the total movement of the network parameters during training. We theoretically analyze and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of the complexity-gap score in finding 'irregular or mislabeled' data instances, and also provide applications of the score in analyzing datasets and diagnosing training dynamics.
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